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“Allenthalben ertönt der Ruf nach Schaffung eines Assoziationsrechts”

d’Geschicht vum Gesetz vum 21 Abrëll 1928 an vun der Vereenegungsfräiheet zu Lëtzebuerg

18:00 - 20:00
18:00 - 20:00
Henri Beck Auditorium (2, rue Genistre)

Free entrance


In Luxembourgish

Freedom of association is one of the fundamental principles of the democratic system. But why is it so important and what exactly does it involve? How does it differ from freedom of assembly and freedom of coalition? To answer all these questions, the conference traces the major stages of associative life in Luxembourg - from the French Revolution to the ASBL law of 21 March 1928. It turns out that the history of freedom of association and its legal recognition in Luxembourg is characterised by a process of small steps forward and continuous steps back, often linked to developments abroad.

By Mohamed Hamdi

Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg
Registration / +352 4796 4500

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