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Call for projects

Call for projects - "Artmix" Luxembourg-Sarrebruck 2023-2024

Curators' and artists' residency

— 11/10/2023
07/08/2023 — 11/10/2023


Funded Residency Artmix Luxembourg-Saarbrücken 2023-2024

The City of Luxembourg and the State Capital of Saarbrücken invite artists and curators to apply! 

The exhibitions organised as part of the Artmix artist exchange will take place in May 2024 at the Cercle Cité and the Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken. The studio residencies will take place at the Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken and in neimënster/Luxembourg. The Casino Display is a network partner.

The residency exchange programme Artmix (11th edition: 2019), which until now was held annually, is being rethought in 2023: In addition to artists, the programme will now also involve curators.

The aim is to promote networking between neighbouring art scenes and different disciplines on a regional level. In doing so, new forms of cooperation and professionalisation are made possible.

A jury will select an artist with a connection to Luxembourg and one with a connection to Saarbrücken, as well as a curator or a curatorial team. The selected artists will then each invite another artist to join the project.

Together, the participants will develop a complete exhibition project, including press and public relations work, documentation and a cultural mediation programme. An open studio or workshop will complete the project.

During the exchange, the participants will work together for three weeks in Luxembourg (neimënster) in December 2023 and for three weeks in Saarbrücken (Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken) in February / March 2023.

To capture the Artmix project, the time spent together and the resulting exhibition will be documented. Documenting the project is the responsibility of the artists and curators.

The participants are responsible for organising the exhibition, the opening and involving the two locations of Luxembourg and Saarbrücken. The hosting institutions in each location will support and assist the project.

Who can apply?
We are looking for one artist from Luxembourg and one artist from Saarland (two in total), plus one curator or a curatorial team from either Luxembourg or Saarland. Artists and curators with a connection to the regions can apply regardless of age or nationality.

What is important for the application?
Applicants should submit the following documents:

  • Cover letter (one page) ;
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form including artistic and professional career history ;
  • Current portfolio of artistic/curatorial activity ;
  • If possible, a short description of a project proposal for the residence.

The applicants are requested to indicate their language skills in the application.

The conditions formulated above must be respected.

The application deadline is the 11th of October 2023. Successful applications will receive positive feedback by the end of October.

Applications can be submitted via email until the application deadline (date of the email) to the following address:

How is the selection made?
A committee of representatives from the participating institutions in Luxembourg and the Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken will make the selection.


  • The participants will be provided with accommodation in each residence city ;
  • Participants will receive an allowance of €2,800 from their city to cover the entire duration of the project ;
  • Transport and accommodation costs depend on the respective location. The living expenses will be paid per diem ;
  • Material costs will be covered based on actual expenses, up until a maximum of € 2,000 ;
  • A fixed sum is reserved for the design of the publication.

Further information:


  • October: The application deadline is the 11th of October 2023. Successful applications will receive a positive answer by the end of October ;
  • 1st to the 20th of December 2023: Three week long residency of all participants in Luxembourg / neimënster. Joint work in the studios. Participation in a panel event on the future of contemporary art ;
  • 19th of February to the 10th of March 2024: Three week long residency of all participants in Saarbrücken / Stadtgalerie. Joint work in the Stadtgalerie studio at Saarbrücken’s St. Johanner Markt and on-site closing event ;
  • February to April 2024: Preparation of the group exhibition, Creation of the print material and conception of the cultural mediation programme ;
  • Framework programme and networking events at the Casino Display ;
  • 3rd of May 2024 to the 26th May 2024: Exhibition period at Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken ;
  • 3rd of May 2024 to the 30th of June 2024: Exhibition period at Cercle Cité.

For the duration of the artist exchange, attendance is mandatory and involvement in the respective cultural scene is desired. An open space is to be set up during the residency periods. On these days, the studios will be open to the public and the press. Participants must be present to represent their work.

There is no access to a workshop during the residency in Saarbrücken. Partnerships with local organisations for the use of workshops can be initiated by the participants.

Ville de Luxembourg, Ville de Sarrebruck, Casino Luxembourg, Cercle Cité, neimënster

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