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CeCiL's Box by Alexandra Uppman

Yuletide Dreams

— 17/03/2024
14/12/2023 — 17/03/2024
"CeCiL's Box" showcase (rue du Curé)

Free entrance

With the CeCiL's Box, the Cercle Cité supports local creation by presenting and promoting the work of emerging and young artists from the Greater Region in one of its shop windows in the Rue du Curé. This mini exhibition space, visible 7 days a week, day and night, offers a street-side location in the heart of the city to a series of original and ephemeral interventions from the plastic and applied arts, with the aim of arousing the curiosity of passers-by and questioning the collective imagination.

The 31st intervention, entrusted to artist Alexandra Uppman, is entitled Yuletide Dreams.


Aaah, winter in the city of Luxembourg ! The smell of mulled wine and Gromperekichelcher, the sights of fairy lights and steam rising from the stands that occupy the squares. Some of us know this season as Christmas, but back in the day, in time to celebrate the winter solstice, the people of Northern Europe celebrated Yule.

For early societies, Yule was a celebration centered around the sun. In those days there was a growing anxiety as the days grew shorter, and the world got colder. To appease the gods, the Yulefather (Odin in Scandinavia) was to be celebrated through a series of rituals and feasts. Fires were lit, and prayers were heard to ensure the return of the sun and an upcoming fruitful harvest.

Yuletide Dreams is in part a reflection of the way this season has evolved and changed throughout the last millennial. But it is also an exploration of other narratives and stories around the celebration. So, let's raise a glass, and celebrate the darkness, the sun, and everything in between.



We invite you to meet-up with the artist in front of the CeCiL's Box on Thursday December 14 at 12 p.m.

Share your images on Facebook and Instagram: #cecilsbox

Exhibition opening 14.12.2023 - 12:00
Cercle Cité
Marion Vergin et Iyoshi Kreutz

Photographic retrospective

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