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CeCiL's Box by Mike Zenari

— 03/12/2017
14/09/2017 — 03/12/2017
"CeCiL's Box" showcase (rue du Curé)

Free entrance

With its CeCiL’s Box project, Cercle Cité welcomes creations in one of its windows on rue du Curé. This project aims to present varied and original interventions to the public, and is also a way to support local creation by offering visibility to guest artists. These interventions are visible 7 days a week, day and night.

With his installation, Mike Zenari invites onlookers to lose themselves in their own reflections, literally and figuratively speaking. Through a shift in reality, he invites us to be caught off-guard by unexpected reflections. “My images are double and carry different reading directions, might they be perceived from nearby, or from afar. The distortion of reality is as interesting to me as the perceiver’s freedom of interpretation, and the stories they can generate”. 

Share your images on Facebook and Instagram : #cecilsbox

© Mike Zenari

Exhibition opening 14.09.2017 - 12:00

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