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My Dream Walked On Four Legs - My Dream Pushes Air

— 30/04/2023
19/01/2023 — 30/04/2023
"CeCiL's Box" showcase (rue du Curé)

Free entrance

With its CeCiL’s Box project, Cercle Cité welcomes creations in one of its windows on rue du Curé. This project aims to present varied and original interventions to the public, and is also a way to support local creation by offering visibility to guest artists. These interventions are visible 7 days a week, day and night.

The 28th intervention, entrusted to graphic designer Miriam Rosner aka MONOGRAM, is entitled "My Dream Walked On Four Legs - My Dream Pushes Air".

"My Dream Walked On Four Legs - My Dream Pushes Air" is inspired from “The Coahoma County Wind Cults” by David Berman, author and musician from Williamsburg, Virginia, who became an indie rock cult figure with his band Silver Jews, before taking his own life in August 2019.

The creative process very often starts with a blank page – an empty space – before the inspiration starts flowing. Relatively straightforwardly at first and then it can become slightly bizarre, conjuring up an “absurdist landscape”. The artist himself might well be gone, but his words linger.

We invite you to meet-up with the artist in front of the CeCiL's Box on Thursday January 19 at 12 p.m.

Share your images on Facebook and Instagram : #cecilsbox


The Coahoma County Wind Cults

My dream walked on four legs
toward the remote source
of a pale yellow letter

only to circle around the cabin
when it got there.

A black and white cave rainbow
arched between two old shoes.

Oxygen bounced off the face of a doll,
looking for the slow dazzling guts
of a life form.

There was a moment of sudden clarity
when the pages burned in opera glasses,

like a herd crossing zip codes 

or an exhumed idea pressing
at the limits of the marquee bulbs,

my dream pushes air.


David Berman
The Coahoma County Wind Cults
© 1999 by David Berman

Exhibition opening 19.01.2023 - 12:00
Cercle Cité
Marion Vergin and Iyoshi Kreutz

Around the event


Performance by Claire Parsons

Closing concert for the CeCiL's Box by MONOGRAM

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with MONOGRAM

30/04/2023 15:00 - 16:00

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