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Design Decameron by Joe Leiner

Fence Friends

— 31/07/2020
04/06/2020 — 31/07/2020

The design exhibition that Cercle Cité initially planned this year has been rethought in view of the unprecedented current situation linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This online project, called Design Decameron, offers a convenient alternative, accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Each Thursday, a new creation will be revealed on Cercle Cité's website and social media (Facebook and Instagram). #designdecameron.

The fourth artist to take part in this exhibition is Joe Leiner, with the project Fence Friends.

"Many people are stuck in their own homes these days, activities are limited, and to many it can feel a bit restrictive or frustrating. But we are all in this together and can use it as an opportunity to reflect on both our own lives and society as a whole."

The artist's biography :

Joe Leiner (1990) holds a Master’s degree in Visual Communication from the University of Bergen, Norway. After his studies he returned to Luxembourg and co-founded design studio Bureau Clarté in late 2018. His range of work comprises everything from graphic and editorial design to illustration and web development.

Around the event


Design Decameron

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Design Luxembourg and Design Friends

14/05/2020 - 31/07/2020 24h/24

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