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Design Decameron by Michel Welfringer

Science ? — Fiction !

— 31/07/2020
09/07/2020 — 31/07/2020

The design exhibition that Cercle Cité initially planned this year has been rethought in view of the unprecedented current situation linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This online project, called Design Decameron, offers a convenient alternative, accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Each Thursday, a new creation will be revealed on Cercle Cité's website and social media (Facebook and Instagram). #designdecameron.

The ninth artist to take part in this exhibition is Mich Welfringer, with the project Science ? — Fiction !

"The rapid spread of the virus isolated us, putting aside friendly, tactile or romantic exchanges… until further notice. Scientific diagrams were overabundant in the media. Impossible to ignore or digest them. I do saturate quickly.

Theaters and cinemas close, concerts are canned, no more work…
This is war. The enemy is invisible.
End of transmission.

Best remedy to avoid spinning in a loop ?
Fiction… in a book… or at the movie theater!"

Michel Welfringer & Antonin Waterkeyn / Mada Mada

The artist's biography :

Type and graphic designer Michel Welfringer lives between Luxembourg, Brussels and Paris.

He collaborates with a network of photographers, web or motion designers, which guarantees good creativity at a human scale. Together they create editorial designs, visual identities, draw typefaces, play with motion type on screens… and love to design books !

M!ch is in charge of the design for the Directors’ Fortnight Cannes, Luxfilmfest and Hydre Editions in Luxembourg, and accompanies artists in their creative process. Recently, the book remember souvenir / denis meyers was awarded Best editorial design at the Luxembourg design awards and was shortlisted finalist at the European design awards.

Around the event


Design Decameron

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Design Luxembourg and Design Friends

14/05/2020 - 31/07/2020 24h/24

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