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Design Decameron by Studio Polenta

8 Emotions Through a Pandemic

— 31/07/2020
02/07/2020 — 31/07/2020

The design exhibition that Cercle Cité initially planned this year has been rethought in view of the unprecedented current situation linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This online project, called Design Decameron, offers a convenient alternative, accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Each Thursday, a new creation will be revealed on Cercle Cité's website and social media (Facebook and Instagram). #designdecameron.

The eighth artist to take part in this exhibition is Studio Polenta, with the project 8 Emotions Through a Pandemic.

"The different phases of the recent pandemic were comparable to an emotional rollercoaster not only for everybody working here at Studio Polenta, but also for the general population. So we decided to pick the eight strongest emotions we had been going through and tried to define them in eight steps. We are sure that most of you recognize themselves in at least a couple of those emotions. Using type to illustrate the emotions in a very simple and nervous gif style seems to correspond well to the differents situations."

The artist's biography :

Studio Polenta

Studio Polenta is a progressive design studio founded in the summer of 2013. Visual identities, screen design and innovative print work are their trademarks for commercial, cultural and institutional projects. Studio Polenta was founded by Annick Kieffer and Rick Tonizzo. Since early 2020, Annick has been running Polenta with Art Director Sara Giubelli.

Annick Kieffer Design Director / Founder 

Annick Kieffer is a design director from Luxembourg. She studied design in Stuttgart and graduated with a diploma in communication design from the FH Trier. After several international internships and work experiences, she started Studio Polenta in 2013 with Rick Tonizzo.

Sara Giubelli Art Director

Sara Giubelli is a designer from Ferrara, Italy. After her studies in Milan and Venice she did various internships in Italy and the UK. She moved to Luxembourg in 2013 and started working for Maison Moderne. In the fall of 2016 she joined Studio Polenta, where she works as an art director now.

Around the event


Design Decameron

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Design Luxembourg and Design Friends

14/05/2020 - 31/07/2020 24h/24

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