Round-table discussion
How important is it nowadays to provide children with space to play? What happens if children are not given space or time to play?
Is all play the same or are there different qualities of play? How can these be recognised and supported?
Do children today still have enough freedom and space to play or do families and institutions need to actively create and protect this? What does this space to play mean for the individual child and therefore society as a whole?
How is children’s ability to play changing in today’s digital world and how can we counter this development?
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Aktioun Bambësch the importance of the stimulus that educational play provides will be examined.
The importance of play for child development will be described and discussed from the perspectives of happiness research, children’s rights, work with families and learning research.
For 50 years Aktioun Bambësch has been organising afternoon leisure activities during school holidays and strives to create an environment that allows children to immerse themselves in and help to shape complex worlds of play.
Registration period: from August until 2 October 2023
18:30: Doors open
19:00 - 20:30: Panel discussion
20:30: Champagne reception to mark the 50th anniversary of Aktioun Bambësch
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