La mode et le vêtement dans la photographie au Luxembourg
Clothes are more than just mere pieces of fabric used to dress or adorn humans; they are also a reflection of the society in which we live. For centuries, clothing was primarily a means of identifying the profession or social position of its wearer. However, as society has evolved to become more fluid and individualistic, so too has the role of clothing. Today, garments do much more than offer protection and warmth: they are a canvas for expressing personality and individual preferences.
Fashion not only keeps our wardrobes ever-changing, but also reflects political, economic and social changes. In this context, fashion can, for example, be an expression of adaptation or rebellion, signal social upheaval or, on the contrary, uphold tradition. However, even as clothing becomes more individualized, it often follows trends that reflect the desire to belong to and be accepted by a particular group.
In this exhibition, the Photothèque explores the evolution of fashion in Luxembourg since the beginning of the 20th century. It contrasts professional attire and formal wear with the casual styles popular among youth in the 1970s. At the beginning of the 20th century, women and men from the bourgeoisie had their portraits taken highlighting their rather upscale lifestyle through their clothes. The many fashion shows held in Luxembourg City illustrate the link between fashion and the pursuit of beauty. A stroll past the city’s shop windows and traditional boutiques invites visitors to explore this dynamic. While fashion is ephemeral, the desire of every individual to position themselves in their social context has persisted throughout the centuries.
Exhibition opening
Friday 12 July at 17:00
Free entrance, no prior registration needed
Photographs will be taken during the opening for Cercle Cité's communication. If you do not wish to appear on them, please contact Cercle Cité's reception staff.
Around the event
Guided tour
In the frame of the Put it on! Le Luxembourg s'habille exhibition
Organized by Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
In the frame of the Put it on! Le Luxembourg s'habille exhibition
Organized by Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
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