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Are we all racists?

By Rokhaya Diallo

18:00 - 19:30
18:00 - 19:30
Cité Auditorium (3, rue Genistre)

Free entrance


In French

Europe, the continent of the Enlightenment, presents itself as cosmopolitan, democratic, tolerant and open. At least, that is the image that most of Western Europe's political leaders seek to convey. But is it really true? Has racism, which we associate with times long past and happily gone by, really disappeared from the public and private sphere? Or is it manifesting itself today in a more subtle, and at the same time more insidious, way? Perhaps it goes unnoticed simply because the public arena gives little visibility to so-called ‘racialised’ people?

Rokhaya Diallo, journalist and film-maker, renowned the world over for her outspokenness and expertise, will address these questions at a conference-debate organised as part of the as part of the Pure Europe exhibition.

The conference-debate is moderated by journalist Diego Velazquez.

Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg
Registration / +352 4796 4500

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