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What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Marco Godinho

Feeling closer to all directions

— 16/06/2023
15/05/2023 — 16/06/2023

At the crossroads of the main axis of the city center of Luxembourg, where cars, pedestrians and public transport meet, Marco Godinho installs four flags. Each flag is represented by a coloured gradation that corresponds to a natural element (water, fire, wood and metal) and to a specific direction (north, south, east, west).

On the flags one can read "Closer to the north / Closer to the south / Closer to the east / Closer to the west", words that tell us the directions and above all that we are closer to each of them if we pay attention to their presence, the public space thereby being transformed into a space conscious of our inner selves.  

This intervention is as much a proposal for humans as for the wind, the rain and the birds. The colours linked to the elements and to the directions of the cardinal points are intended to harmonise the environmental energy of a place, in order to favour the invisible forces and energies that pass through it.

Marco Godinho was born in Salvaterra de Magos (Portugal) and lives and works between Luxembourg and Paris. From installations and videos to his writings and collaborative pieces, his singular, post-conceptual practice is reflecting on our subjective experience of time and space, questions of exile, memory, and geography that are inspired by his own experience of nomadic life, suspended between different languages and cultures and nourished by literature and poetry.


In the context of the European Design Festival 2023, Cercle Cité in collaboration with Greylight Projects (Heerlen, NL) proposes an off-site exhibition What the Flag?! in Luxembourg.

The flags, works by invited Luxembourgish artists and designers, are mixed with existing artists’ flags, which are part of the archive of the What the Flag?! project. The artists and designers are invited to respond from their own work and vision of the medium “flag” within the context of the location in which they are shown.

The flags are placed between the central locations of the European Design Festival 2023 in the city of Luxembourg forming a route that the public can follow with the help of a map.

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30
Anastasia Chaguidouline and Wouter Huis
Marco Godinho
Place de Metz

Around the event


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Julien Hübsch

Untitled (blue flags)

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Archives (NL)

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Vera Kox

on higher ground, levitating

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Reza Kianpour


Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Sarah Schleich

Troop flag

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Lagerkultur

Safe Space Federation

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Stina Fisch

Fest und klar und heiter

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023 24h/24


What the Flag?! in Luxembourg - Miriam Rosner

Brothers and sisters

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with Greylight Projects in the framework of the European Design Festival

Exhibition opening 15.05.2023 - 17:30

15/05/2023 - 16/06/2023

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