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Short photographic prose poems

Workshop with Patrick Galbats, in the frame of the "mateneen" exhibition

— 17/10/2020
16/10/2020 — 17/10/2020
Henri Beck Auditorium (2, rue Genistre)

On registration

Two-day workshop: on the 03.04.2020 (from 2.00 pm until 6.00 pm) and
the 04.04.2020 (from 10.00 am until 5.00 pm)
Cercle Cité, Henri Beck Auditorium (5th floor, entrance: 2, rue Genistre)

Take a look at the world surrounding you with a fresh eye. Try to put yourself in the skin of a newly arrived person coming from a country where landscapes and society have almost nothing in common with what we know. This person arrives for the very first time in Europe, in Luxembourg-City. Together, each one of us will shape a small series of images, which we will call short poems.  

Pricing:  60€ (>26 years old) | 40€  (reduced fee for 16-26 years old)
On registration (age: 16-99 years old) |
Materials: digital camera (no phone), flash and tripod are optional.

Required knowledge: little, but knowledge in terms of framing and photo light are an advantage.

In luxembourgish and french

On registration

Around the event



Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

19/09/2020 - 25/10/2020 11:00 - 19:00


Concert by Yasha Zare

in the frame of the "mateneen" exhibition

Organized by Cercle Cité, in collaboration with the "Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte"

24/10/2020 16:00 - 17:00


Cercle de Lectures - in black and white. Clichés of all kinds

Land of plenty, theme and variations

Organized by Cercle Cité in collaboration with Corina Ciocârlie

22/10/2020 18:30 - 20:00

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